Especially in the printing branch, there's a need for skilled people and big demand for training. 

There's a shortage on the labor market for technical profiles or people are trained in-house. Mostly the theoretical background is missing or people are getting stuck in routine.

All trainings can be done in Dutch, French, English, German and basic Italian. 

Basic printing training

A lot a people in printing industry don't have a graphic background. G-talk helps them to understand the principles of printing and techniques.

Flexo printing training

With 30 years of experience in flexo printing, G-talk offers a tailor made training in flexo training. Whether it's for managers or for the operators. Basic or advanced trainings G-talk is your partner. We listen to your needs and create a training on the level the people need.

Color Measuring

We all know that measuring leads to improvement of the processes but one of the challenges are the knowledge of measuring and interpreting the numbers. Especially if you start working with photospectral data (Lab, DeltaE,...).

Every training contains also some hand-on sessions where operators are starting measuring and interpreting that numbers. 

Extended gamut printing needs absolutely measuring.

Handlings confirmed by numbers give trust, stability and efficiency!

Work floor coaching

Sometimes it makes sense to guide operators in their habitat : the workfloor.

We check how they work, engage in consultation and adjust where necessary or simply teach them some smart skills.